tuck away
- 把…隐藏;把…隐匿;妥善收藏;安全保管

tuck away
PHRASAL VERB 妥善收藏;安全保管
If you tuck away something such as money, you store it in a safe place.The extra income has meant Phillippa can tuck away the rent...
PHRASAL VERB 把…隐藏;把…隐匿
If someone or something is tucked away, they are well hidden in a quiet place where very few people go.We were tucked away in a secluded corner of the room...
The extra income has meant Phillippa can tuck away the rent
This is where they tuck away people everyone wants to forget .
Find out the most commonly used functions of your interface and tuck away the rest .
You should see the amount of food that boy can tuck away in one meal !
Tuck away a bit of lace ; tuck away millions .
His photographic memory enabled him to tuck away yards of facts .
You see the poet tuck away his pocket-book and smile .
Financial extremes remind us that when things are in excess it 's time to tuck away FOR when the times are lean .
Today China 's thrifty households tuck away a quarter of their after-tax income-one of the highest saving rates in the world .
It may even tuck away a complete copy of the file that was retrieved , so that it can show you a diff without accessing the server .
Tuck away the scrapbooks for another time , and for now , just remember to stay connected , put yourself out there , and focus on the bright future that lies ahead of you .
If space is tight , think portable , creating a work station that gives you easy access to essential items like office supplies , the telephone and computer , yet that you can quickly pack up and tuck away at the end of the day .
If space is tight , think " portable , " creating a work station that gives you easy access to essential items like office supplies , the telephone and computer , yet that you can quickly pack up and tuck away at the end of the day .
So you can tuck it away under a cabinet and still have easy access to your cutlery .
This money will come in handy because it appears you 'll soon enter into a high spending phase in June and the first half of July , so tuck some away for this period .
You are best to tuck your money away where no one will be able to touch it , including yourself .
For now , we 'll tuck this feature away as nice-to-have but not essential .
You tuck your secret away in an unexpected place , like an MP3 or a photo file , to conceal the fact you even shared any information at all .